Thursday, December 15, 2011

Donna Hardy's Angela Center Writers

We will begin the 2012 Winter-Spring sessions on Wednesday morning January 11 and/or on Thursday afternoon, January 12. There is room to join us on Wednesday mornings. Thursday afternoons are currently filled, but things change; don’t be afraid to ask. I am still finding a topic to hold it all together—but if you are one of us you know that the topic is always about our incredibly interesting and meaningful lives.

The Wednesday group meets 10 to12
on January 11, 25; February 8, 22; March 7, 21; and April 4, 18.

The Thursday group meets 12:30 to 2:30
on January 12, 26; February 9, 23; March 8, 22; and April 5, 19.

The cost for the eight sessions is $160.
CEU's are available.

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